The beginning of a fresh start.

This is the post excerpt.

Today, finally showed me just how much I’ve lost myself over the years, so much so I didn’t even recognise myself. The idea of being with someone as a ‘safe’ option to rid the gut-wrenching fear of someone leaving you, so you take what you think you deserve and get lost along the way. When people’s idea of you is so far from the truth, you realise that actually speaking out your thoughts might just scare more people away, so why not keep up the act?

How easy can it be to completely change yourself back to the person you were before, I suppose at some point in life every person must hit some kind of wall, where you become lost in life with no way of moving forward. Maybe it should be talked about more in society that it’s okay no matter what age you are, to not know the right things to do or say. That life sometimes can be a string of awkward stumbling through school, college, or even relationships where people expect us to have a plan that won’t ever change direction, even when the person that created that plan is no longer the person you are now.